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:: Dr.noori ::
 | Post date: 2013/10/5 | 


" Dr Siamak Noori"

Associate Professor

Ph.D. University of Tarbiat Moddaress, 1996

Department: Industrial Engineering Depatrment

Email : snoori AT iust.ac.ir

Tel: +98-21-73225020

Education and qualifications

University Degrees

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Industrial Eng., University of Tarbiat Moddaress, 1991-1996

Sellected Short Course Certificates

“Productivity Workshop  , held by the A.P.O. Tiavan, April 1998.


Associate Professor, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Since October 1990.

Teaching Experiences

Project management, Human Resource Management, Organizational Behaviour & HRM, Engineering Economic and Preventive maintenance. (postgraduate and undergraduate courses in Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology; Department of I.E)

Selected Written Works

Human Resource Management & project management Report of Iranian Organization.

Research Publications in Fully Referred Journals (ISI, ISC)

1- An Integrated Methodology for Assessment and Selection of the Project Risk Response Actions¡ ISI¡ Risk Analysis, Seyed Mohammad Seyedhoseini,  Hatefi, Siamak Noori, 2009.

2- An Integrated decision support system for project risk response planning ¡ ISI¡ Kuwait Journal of Science & Engineering, Seyed Mohammad Seyedhoseini, Hatefi, Siamak Noori, 2008.

3-Optimisation of MRP by Fuzzy Multi- Objective Linear Programming ¡ ISI¡ Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Parkin, Rezoeestin, Bagherpour, Filizadeh, Siamak Noori,2008.

4- A New Project Scheduling approach for improving multi-product multi- period (MPMP) Production planning problems ¡ ISI¡ Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Rezoeestin, Parkin, Bagherpour, Makoui, Siamak Noori,2008. 

5- A gap Analysis on the Project risk management processes¡ ISI¡ Journal of Science & Eng, Seyed Mohammad Seyedhoseini, Siamak Noori, , Hatefi,2008.

6- Human Performance Factors in the Evaluation of Virtual Organizations ¡ International Journal of Business and Management, International Journal of Engineering, Seyed Mohammad Seyedhoseini, Bakhsha, Siamak Noori,2009.

7- An FCM Approach to Better : Understanding of Conflicts A Case of New Technology Development¡ International Journal of Business and Management, International Journal of Engineering, Bouroni, Amiri, Siamak Noori, 2009.

8- Designing a Control Mechanism for Production Planning Problems by Means of Earned Value Analysis¡ Journal of Applied Sciences, International Journal of Engineering, Rezoeestin, Bagherpour, Siamak Noori,2008. 

9- A mathematical model for the multi- mode resource investment problem¡ Journal of Industrial Engineering International, Seyed Mohammad Seyedhoseini, Sabzehparvar, Siamak Noori, 2008.

10- Applying Fuzzy Control Chart in Earned Value Analysis: A New Application¡ World Applied Sciences Journal , International Journal of Engineering, Siamak Noori, Zaree, Bagherpour, 2008.

11- Two polar concept of project risk management¡ New Frontiers in enterprise risk management, International Journal of Engineering, Seyed Mohammad Seyedhoseini,  Hatefi, Siamak Noori, 2008.

12- A generic project risk management process based on a two- polar perspective¡ Business Research year book, International Journal of Engineering, Seyed Mohammad Seyedhoseini,  Hatefi, Siamak Noori, 2008.

13- A Genetic Algorithm and a Model for the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with Multiple Crushable Modes ¡ Iust international Journal of Engineering Science, International Journal of Engineering, Seyed Mohammad Seyedhoseini, Sabzehparvar, Siamak Noori,2007. 

14-An Analytical Integrated Methodology to estimate the expected impacts of project risks¡ International Academy of Business and Economics, International Journal of Engineering, Seyed Mohammad Seyedhoseini,  Hatefi, Siamak Noori, 2007.

15- Applying Fuzzy logic to Estimate setup Times in Sequence Dependent single Machine scheduling problems ¡ IJCSMS, Siamak Noori, Noghondarian, Bagherpour, 2007

16- Risk Response Actions Selection¡ IJAMT-Journal,Seyed Mohammad Seyedhoseini,  Hatefi, Siamak Noori,2007.

17- Cost- time Trade off Models Application to Crashing Flow shop Scheduling Problems¡ LN Computer Science, International Journal of Engineering, Seyed Jafar Sadjadi, Siamak Noori, Bagherpour,2006.  

Conference Attendance

1- Two- Polar concept of project Risk Management (TPCRMInternational Conference on Management Innovation, China, Seyed Mohammad Seyedhoseini,  Hatefi, Siamak Noori, 2007.

2- An Improvement On A Scheduling Problem Using Hybrid Neural Network- Tabu Search ¡ International Conference on Enformatika Systems Sciences and Engineering, Poland, Siamak Noori, Barzinpour, Bagherpour, 2005.

3- Fuzzy Lead Time Application to Material Requirement planning ¡ International Conference on Enformatika systems Sciences and Engineering, Poland, Siamak Noori, Bagherpour, 2005.

Research Projects

• Managing material requirement planning using eared value management system in multi assembled production systems, Presidency Iran National Science Foundation,18 September 2008

Published Books

1- Customer Oriented, publication Abjad, .2010.

2- Principles & Concepts of Planning & Project Management, publication Iran University of Science and technology, 2002.

Awards And Scholarships


Assignments and Consultations


Attendance in International Official Meetings


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