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:: Dr.Ghazanfari ::
 | Post date: 2013/10/5 | 


" Dr Mehdi Ghazanfari "

Full Professor

Department: School of Industrial Engineering
Iran University of Science and Technology

Tehran, I.R. of Iran

Ph.D., University of New South wales (australia), 1995

Tel: +98-21-73-91-5060

E_mail: Mehdi@iust.ac.ir

Education and qualifications

PhD Degree (1994)

PhD Program: Industrial Engineering, Production Planning Models

Thesis Topic: A Multi-objective Hierarchical Production Planning under Uncertainty

Place: The University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia

Master Degree (1989)

Master Program: Industrial Engineering, System Analysis

Place: The University of Amir kabir (poly-technique), Tehran, Iran

Graduate Degree (1986)

Graduate Program: Industrial Engineering

Place: Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST)


Associate professor, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, since 2003

Training Courses

I have professionally worked as a lecturer in Iran University of Science and Engineering (IUST) since 1994.

My training courses in PhD and Master Programs are as follows:

- The Theory of Fuzzy Logic and its Applications

- Expert Systems

- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

- Production Planning Models, Supply Chain Management

- The Meta heuristics for I.E. 2


A. Papers in International Journal

1. Ghazanfari, M, Mellatparast, M., (2000) "A Fuzzy MADM Model For Project Evaluation Based on the Refined Weights", International Journal of Engineering Science, No 9, Vol 12.

2. Ghazanfari, M, Murtagh, B.A., (2002) "A Multi-Objective Hierarchical Production Planning Model Under Uncertainty", Scientia Iranica Vol 6, No 9.

3. Ghazanfari, M., Nojavan, M., (2002) "Using Neural Network and Genetic Algorithms to Solve a Multiple Attribute Knapsack Problem" Scientia Iranica. Vol 6, No 9.

4. Ghazanfari, M., Yaghoobi, (2002) "A Hybrid GA Model to Solve Regular and Block Flow Shop Problems" Scientia Iranica Vol 6, No 9.

5. Ghazanfari, M., Nojavan, M., (2003) "A Hybrid Fuzzy ES and GA Approach to Solve 0-1 Multi-Aribute Knapsacl Problem", International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol 14, No 4.

6. Ghazanfari, M., Nojavan, M., (2004) “Reducing Inconsistency in Fuzzy AHP by Mathematical Programming Models", Asia-Pacific Journal of Operatioal Research, Vol 21, No 3.

7. Gholamian, M, R., Fatemi Ghomi, S, M, T., Ghazanfari, M., (2005) "A Hybrid Systematic Design for Multi-objective Market Problems: A Case Study in Crude Oil Markets", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol 18, Issue 4, pp 495509.

8. Akhavan, P., Ghazanfari, M., (2005) Eexploring BPR as an Enabler for Enterprise Resource Planning", Applied Computing and Informatics Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 31-46. 3

9. Gholamiana, M. R., Fatemi Ghomi, S. M. T., Ghazanfari, M., (2006) "A Hybrid Intelligent System for Multi-objective Decision Making Problem ", Computers & Industrial Engineering , Volume 51, Issue 1, pp 26-43.

10. Gholamian, M. R., Fatemi Ghomi, S. M. T., Ghazanfari,M., (2006) " A Hybrid Computational Intelligent System for Multi-objective Supplier Selection Problem ", Int. Journal of Management and Decision Making, Vol.7 , No.2/3, pp.216-233.

11. Nojavan, M., Ghazanfari M., (2006) "A Fuzzy Ranking Method by Desirability Index" Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems: Applications in Engineering and Technology archive, Volume 17, Issue 3.

12. Gholamian, MR., Fatemi Ghomi, S.M.T., Ghazanfari, M., (2007) "A Hybrid System for Multiobjective Problems – A Case Study in NP- Hard Problems", Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol 20, Issue 4.

13 . Gholamian, M .R., Fatemi Ghomi, S. M. T., Ghazanfari, M., (2007) "FARSJUM - A Fuzzy System For Ranking Sparse Judgment Matrices: a case study in soccer tournaments ", International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol 15, Issue 1

14. Alizade, S., Ghazanfari, M., Jafari, M.; Hooshmand, S., (2007) "Learning FCM by Tabu Search", International Journal of Computer Science, 2 (2), 141-149

15. Fazel Zarandi, M. H., Alaeddini A., Turksen,B., Ghazanfari, M., (2007) "A Neuro-Fuzzy Multi-Objective Design of Shewhart Control Charts ", Analysis and Design of Intelligent Systems using Soft Computing Techniques Vol 41, pp 842-852

16. Golsefid Malek Mohammadi, S., Ghazanfari, M., Alizadeh, S., (2007) "Customer Segmentation in Foreign Trade based on Clustering Algorithms” International Journal of Computer, Information & Systems Science & Engineering, Vol. 1 Issue 3, pp 175-181.

17. Ghazanfari, M., Alizadeh, S., Fathiana, M., Koulouriotis, D, E, (2007) "Comparing Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm in Learning FCM", Applied Mathematics and Computation AMC, Volume 192, Issue 1. 4

18. Ghazanfari, M., Alizadeh,S., (2008) "learning FCM with Simulated Annealing" In: Simulated Annealing, InTechOpen, Vienna.

19. Alizadeh, S., Ghazanfari, M., Fathian, M., (2008) "Using Data Mining for Learning and Clustering FCM", International Journal of Computational Intelligence. 4 (2), 118-125.

20. Ghazanfari, M., Malek Mohamadi, S., Alizadeh, S, (2008). "Data-Mining Application for Country Segmentation based on the RFM Model",: Int. Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies, Vol.1, No.2, pp.126 140

21. Ghazanfari, M., Shahanaghi, K., Yousefli, A., (2008) "An application of Possibility Goal Programming to the Time-Cost Trade off Problem", Journal of Uncertain Systems, World Academic Press 2(1):22-28.

22. Yousefli, A.,Ghazanfari , M., Shahanaghi, K., Heydari, M., (2008) "A New Heuristic Model For Fully Fuzzy Project Scheduling ", Journal of Uncertain Systems , Vol.2, No.1, pp.75-80.

23. Rezazadeh, H., Ghazanfari, M., Sadjadi, S. J.,Aryanezhad, Mir.B.,Makui,A., (2008) "Linear Programming Embedded Particle Swarm Optimization for Solving an Extended Model of Dynamic Virtual Cellular Manufacturing Systems ", Journal of Applied Research and Technology, & (1), 83-108

24. Ghazanfari, M., Malek Mohamadi, S., Alizadeh,S., (2008) "Data-Mining Application for Country Segmentation Based on the RFM Model" Intr. Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies, Vol 1, Issue 2.

25. Moosavi Rad, H., Ghazanfari, M., Jafari, M., Moosavi Rad, M., (2008) "Relationship between Organizational Culture and Knowledge Management", the International Journal of Knowledge Culture and Change Management

26. Moosavi Rad, H., Ghazanfari, M., Moosavi Rad, M., (2008) "An Empirical Usage of DEA for Faculty of Mathematical and Computer Departments ", Journal of world universities forum. 5

27. Ghazanfari, M., ,Noghondarian, K., ,Alaedini, A., (2008) "A Novel Clustering Approach for Estimating the Time of Step Changes in Shewhart Control Charts " , International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research (IJIE), Vol 19, No 4.

28. Ghazanfari, M., Alaeddini, A., Akhavan Niaki, T., Aryanezhad, B., (2008) "A Clustering Approach to Identify the Time of a Step Change in Shewhart Control Charts", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol 24, Issue 7.

29. Alizadeh, S., Ghazanfari, M., (2009) "Learning FCM by Chaotic Simulated Annealing" the Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science Nano and Quantum Technology Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 41, Issue 3.

30. Alizadeh, S., Ghazanfari, M., Fathian, M., (2009) "Learning FCM by Data Mining in a Purchase System", International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research (IJIE), VOL 20, No 1-2.

31. Ghazanfari, M., Yousefli, A., Jabal Ameli ,M.S.,Bozorgi-Amir.A., (2009) "A New Approach to Solve Time- Cost Trade- off Problem with Fuzzy Decision Variables ", Int Journal Adv Manu Technolo, 42:408-414

32. Rezazadeh, H., Ghazanfari, M., Saidi-Mehrabad, M., Sadjadi, J., (2009) "An Extended Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Dynamic Facility Layout Problem", Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 10(4), 520-529.

33. Ahmadizar, F., Ghazanfari, M., Fatemi Ghomi, M., (2009) "Application of Chance- Constrained Programming for Stochastic Group Shop Scheduling Problem", IntJournal Adv Manu Technol, 42: 321-334

34. Alizadeh.S., Ghazanfari, M., (2009), "Learning FCM by Chaotic Simulated Annealing" Chaos, Solitons and Fractals journal.

35. Ghazanfari, M., Rouhani. S., Jafari.M., Taghavifard .M., (2009) " ERP Requirements for Supporting Management Decisions and Business Intelligence" The IUP Journal of Information Technology. 6

36. Alaeddini,A., Ghazanfari,M., Nayeri,M., (2009) " A Hybrid Fuzzy- Statistical Clustering Approach for Estimating the Time of Changes in Fixed and Variable Sampling Control Charts" Information Sciences, Vol 179, Issue 11.

37. Ahmadizar, F., Ghazanfari, M., Fatemi Ghomi,M., (2010) " Group Shops Scheduling with Makespan Criterion Subject to Random Release Dates and Processing Times ", Computers & Operations Research. Vol 37, Issue 1.

38. Ghazanfari, M., Fathian, M., Jafari, M., Rouhani, S., (2010) "Process Mining Approach to Promote Business Intelligence in Iranian Detectives` Police " F. Zavoral et al.(Eds,) pp 135-142

39. Ghazanfari, M., Sadjadi, S. J., Yousefli, A., (2010) "Fuzzy Pricing and Marketing Planning Model: A Possibilistic Geometric Programming Approach" Expert Systems with Applications.

40. Norouzi, N., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Ghazanfari, M, Alinaghian, M., Salamatbakhsh, A., (2011) "A New Multi-objective Competitive Open Vehicle Routing Problem Solved by Article Swarm Optimization", Network and Spatial Economic, Vol 12, issue 4, pp 609-633, Springer US.

41. Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Gazanfari, M., Alinaghian, m., A Salamatbakhsh, A., Norouzi N., (2011), “A New Mathematical Model for a Competitive Vehicle routing Problem with Time Windows Solved by Simulated Annealing”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol 30, Issue2, pp 83-92

42. Ghazanfari, M., Jafari, M., Rouhani, S., (2011), "A Tool to Evaluate the Business Intelligence of Enterprise Systems" Scientia Iranica, Vol 18, Issue 6,

43. Ghazanfari, M., Rouhani, S., Jafari, M., Akhavan, P., (2011) "Association Rule Approach for Evaluation of Business Intelligence for Enterprise Systems" IUP Journal of Computer Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 2. 7

44. Ghazanfari .M., Jafari .M., Rouhani .S., (2011) "An Assessment Model for Intelligence Competencies of Accounting Information Systems" International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research.

45. Yousefli, A., Ghazanfari, M., (2012) "A Stochastic Decision Support System for Economic Order Quantity Problem", Advances in Fuzzy Systems, Volume 2012, Article No 26, Hindawi Publishing Corporation.

47. M Alinaghian, M., M Ghazanfari, M.,A Salamatbakhsh, A.,N Norouzi, N., (2012) “A New Competitive Approach on Multi-objective Periodic Vehicle Routing problem”, International Journal of Applied, Vol 1, Issue3, pp 33-41

48. Rouhani, S., Ghazanfari, M., Jafari, M., (2012) "Evaluation Model of Business Intelligence for Enterprise Systems using Fuzzy TOPSIS" Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 39, Issue 3.

49. Ghaffari-Nasaba, N., Ghazanfar Aharib, S., Ghazanfari, M., (2013) “A Hybrid Simulated Annealing based Heuristic for Solving the Location-Routing Problem with Fuzzy Demands” Scientia IranicaVol 20, Issue 3, Pages 919–930

50. Yousefli,A., Ghazanfari, M., Abiri, M. B., (2014) "An Integrated Model for Optimization Oriented Decision Aiding and Rule Based Decision Making in Fuzzy Environment" Journal of Fuzzy Set Valued Analysis, Article ID jfsva-00141, 13 Pages

51. Gholamian, M. R., Ftemi, S. M. T., Ghazanfari, M., (2014) "Applying FARSJUM Intelligent System to Derive Priovities in Sparse Hierarchical Problem",Soft Computing 18 (2), pp 299-311. 8

B. International Conference Papers

1 . Ghazanfari, M., Murtagh, B. A. and Mathew, P. (1995), "An Interactive Multi- objective Model for Hierarchical Production Planning under Uncertainty", Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, pp 75-86.

2. Ghazanfari, M., Murtagh, B. A., Syed M., and Mathew, P. (1995), "Safety Stock Problem in Modeling Hierarchical Production Planning under Uncertainty", Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, pp 311-318.

3. Ghazanfari, M., Murtagh, B. A., Syed M., and Mathew, P. (1995), "Horizon Planning in the Modeling of Hierarchical Production Planning under Uncertainty", Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization, Gold Coast, Australia, may 6-9.

4. Ghazanfari, M. (1997), "Corporate Culture, A Case Study in Iran", Symposium on Corporate Culture for Productivity, 28-31 July 1997, Philippines.

5. Ghazanfari, M., and M. Mellatparast (1999), "A Fuzzy MADM Model for B/C Analysis with Qualitative and Quantitative Attributes ", Proceedings of the ASB/ ACORS Conference, Canada.

6. Ghazanfari, M. and Z. Yaghoobi (1999), "A Genetic Algorithm Model to Solve n/m/F/ Cmax Flow Shop Problems" Proceedings of the 4 th Annual International Conference on IE Theory, Applications and Practice, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

7. Ghazanfari, M., and M. Mellatparast (1999), "Using TOPSIS Method to Solve a Fuzzy MADM Model for B/C Analysis ", Proceedings of the 4 th Annual International Conference on IE Theory, Applications and Practice, San Antonio, Texas, USA. 9

8. Ghazanfari, M, Mellatparast, M., (2000) "A New Project Assessment Model Using Fuzzy B/C Analysis Based On The Merged Weights" The Proceedings Of 15 th International Conference On Multiple Criteria Decision Making 10-14 July 2000 Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.

9. Saidi, M., Ghazanfari, M, and Fathian, M., (2000) "The Development of an Expert System for Human Resources Management in an Iranian R 9 D Center" The Proceeding of 27 th Inter. Conf. on Computer & I.E., Beijing, China, 2000.

10. Ghazanfari, M., Nojavan, M., (2001) "Development A Two-Dimensional MADM Model By Certainty Factor" Proceedings of the 9 th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering–Theory, Applications, and Practice, San Francisco, CA, USA, November 18-20, 2001

11. Ghazanfari, M., Ahmadvand, A., (2001) "Using Crisp-Fuzzy Numbers To Model MRP Under Lead Time Uncertainty" Proceedings of the 9 th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering–Theory, Applications, and Practice, San Francisco, CA, USA, November 18-20, 2001

12. Nojavan, M., Ghazanfari, M., (2001) "A New Fuzzy Ranking Method By Domain Separation" Proceedings of the 6 th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering–Theory, Applications, and Practice, San Francisco, CA, USA, November 18-20, 2001

13. Ghazanfari, M., Golmohammadi, D., (2001) "Material planning for a Multi-product System under TOC" The first National Industrial Engineering Conference, 30-31 May 2221, Tehran Iran

14. Gholypur, M., Ghazanfari, M., and Nojavan, M., (2001) “Using Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm for Business Negotiation with Maximum Joint Gain in e-commerce” Proceeding of the first EuroAsia-ICT Conference (Advances in Information and Communication Technology) Shiraz, Iran. October 2002 10

15. Ghazanfari, M., and Charoosh A., (2002) “A Comparative Study on Employment Impacts of e-commerceProceeding of the first EuroAsia-ICT Conference (Advances in Information and Communication Technology) Shiraz, Iran. October 2002

16. Ghazanfari, M., Alizadeh, S. and Jafari, M., (2002) “Using Fuzzy Expert System for Solving Fuzzy System DynamicsProceeding of the first EuroAsia-ICT Conference (Advances in Information and Communication Technology) Shiraz, Iran. October 2002

17. Ghazanfari, M., Jafari, M., Alizadeh, S.(2003),“An Approach to Solve Fuzzy System Dynamics Problems” 21 st International conference system Dynamics Society, NY, USA, July 20 -24 , 2003

18. Ahmadi, A., Ghazanfari, M., (2003) “Strategic Planning for Implementing e-Government in Iran: Formulating the Strategicthe first conference on Information, Knowledge and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2003

19. Ahmadi, A., Ghazanfari, M., Aliahmadi, A., (2003) “Strategic Planning for implementing e-Government in Iran,International Symposium on Tele-communications (ISI) Isfahan, Iran, 2003

20 . Gholamian, M, R., Fatemi Ghomi, S, M, T., Ghazanfari, M., (2004) "A Systematic Design of Multi-objective Problem Solutions with Fuzzy Rule based System", Proceedings of the Sixth International Multi-Objective Programming and Goal Programming Conference, Hummamet, Tunisia

21. Norang, A., Ghazanfari, M., Saghiri, M., (2004) "Cluster analysis of lean production criteria in cell formatting", Int. Conf. of Industrial Engineering, 2004

22. Gholamian, M, R., Fatemi Ghomi, S, M, T. ,Ghazanfari, M., (2005) "A Fuzy System for Multi-objective Problems", Artifical Intelligence Applications and Innovations, 1-13, Springer US.

23. Rezaei Sadrabadi, M., Ghazanfari, M., Seidi, M., Shamsaei, F., (2007) "Development of a continuous facility location model via simulation", Proceedings of the 16th IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling, ASM 2007 11

24. Danandeh, A., Ghazanfari, M., Tavakoli-Moghaddam, Alinaghian, M., (2010), “A Swift Heuristic Algorithm based on Capacitated Clustering for the Open Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem”, Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS international conference on Artificial intelligence, knowledge engineering and data bases, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), Stevens Point, Wisconsin, USA, pp 208-214

25. Ghazanfari, M., Badri, A. (2011), " Solving the product mix problem using the harmony search algorithm " 4th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences , University of Guilan , 2011

26. Ghazanfari, M., Badiee, A., Kalantari,H., (2012) " Fuzzy models for Transfer Point Location Problem " 5th national & 3rd international Logistics & Supply Chain Conference,2012 12

Books (Written or Translated in Persian Language)

1. Ghazanfari, M., Saghiri, S., (2000) “Production Management Systems”, Tehran: Iran University of Science and Engineering (IUST) press.

2. Ghazanfari, M., (2002) “Systematic Benchmarking”, Tehran: Iran University of Science and Engineering (IUST) press.

3. Ghazanfari, M., Kazemi, Z., (2003) “The Principle of Expert Systems”, Tehran: Iran University of Science and Engineering (IUST) press.

4. Ghazanfari, M., (2003) “Main Keys to Improve Factory Performance”, Tehran: Iran University of Science and Engineering (IUST) press.

5. Ghazanfari, M., Arkat, J., (2004) “An Introduction to Neural Networks”, Tehran: Iran University of Science and Engineering (IUST) press.

6. Ghazanfari, M., Rezaei, M., (2006) “An Introduction to Fuzzy Set Theory”, Tehran: Iran University of Science and Engineering (IUST) press.

7. Ghazanfari, M., Fathola, M., (2008) “An Introduction to Supply Chain Management”, Tehran: Iran University of Science and Engineering (IUST) press.

8. Ghazanfari, M., Alizade, S., Taymourpour, B., (2008) “Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery”, Tehran: Iran University of Science and Engineering (IUST) press.

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